Post by mogsy on Jul 25, 2015 10:34:54 GMT
Clan Rules!
Requirements to join; Townhall 7+ - 100+ War Stars - Absolutely no rushed bases.
- Have joined in on at least 5 wars.
- Used all attacks in those wars.
- Used proper troops and took a full Clan Castle each attack.
- Attacked decent bases for your strength - Didn't hit for loot or too easy.
- Been active - Chatted to us during war if in need of advice.
- Dedicated to helping the clan in and out of war.
- Donating to war bases when asked.
- Helping recruit new members during spare time.
- Give advice on war strategy and attacks.
- Good donation ratio & helpful donations during war time.
- Active in war - giving and taking advice on attacks/base layout.
- Will be voted on by all Co-Leaders after recommendation and must pass unanimously.
1. Keep the language clean, we have a few younger members.
- Nothing extreme, offensive, vulgar, racist, sexist ect.
2. Never ask for promotion.
3. Make new members feel welcome.
4. No argueing in chat.
We encourage discussion on anything in chat and sometimes that leads to different opinions.
If you cannot agree on something or you need to discuss something in greater detail please try to take it to the forums so you don't spam game chat.
Absolutely no aggressive arguing is allowed in game chat or on the forums at all, you must be constructive and not rude or offensive at all, thanks.
5. Be mature, show intelligence and common sense - When required.
6. You need to be able to understand and speak English.
7. No Clan Hopping.
If you plan on joining us here, then stick around and get to know us.
We understand you may have met other players during your time in clash and may want to visit them, but if we don't know who you are and you're already jumping to others clans then we won't accept you back.
8. Be active.
You don't have to be on every day, but when you do sit down and get in a few raids, say hello and get in touch with the clan. During wars we want active chat from people to get help and advice with what base to attack, what army to use and how to attack it.
If you're going on a break or can't get on for some time be sure to try and let us know in chat plus post here on the forums to make sure we see it and you won't be added to wars or demoted/kicked.
9. Don't whine about anything.
By this we mean if something doesn't go your way or you can't get something then don't keep complaining or begging as you'll just annoy people.
This includes;
- Asking for promotions.
- Not being donated a certain troop level/strong troop unless it is war time.
- Being demoted for breaking rules.
- Wanting friends to be allowed back after they've been kicked twice.
- Someone hitting your target in war if 12 hours have gone by unless you've recently called it in chat.
10. When in doubt, ask a Co-Leader.
This includes;
- Rejecting/accepting clan join requests.
- Who to target in war.
- What troops to use/request for war.
11. Only donate what is requested
Repeated donation issues will result in demotion, further problems will end with a kick as we rely on Castle troops.
- Please be aware if you request larger troops that you may have to wait very patiently for one to be trained/someone willing to donate one, don't be upset if you can't get anything tough easily outside of war times.
- If people request "Any" then our default donation troops are Archers, you may give other troops if you like but aren't required to do so.
- Unless specifically requested, do NOT ever donate useless troops i.e low level troops, goblins or wall breakers ect.
12. Donate actively.
We don't keep track of donation ratios, feel free to take advantage of our Clan Perks to request troops while farming.
Even though we don't punish bad ratios, you must actively donate where you can.
The best rules to follow is to donate to every castle you see appear in chat while you play and that all requests are full before you request.
- Unless of course you are training a war army or don't have the appropriate troops trained to donate.
13. Always check Clan Mail.
We often send out mail before or after a war that is important (as is every clan mail) and you must read and follow them - If you don't check as you come online and do something against what we've sent in a mail then you have no excuse and will be in trouble.
14. If you change your war preference to IN and are added to either out Monday or Friday wars you are required to attack twice following out war guidelines.
- Not attacking at all, unless due to unforeseen circumstance, results in a warning and removal from our next war. Repeat failure to attack results in demotion for ranked members and a kick for members.
- Failing to attack twice in a war means you are a priority if someone needs to be dropped to level out war numbers. Repeated failure to attack twice results in a warning, further failure results in demotion for ranked members and a kick for members.
- Wasting attacks will get you a warning, continuing to do so can lead to demotion/kicks.
15. New Members that join will not be added to the next war after they join unless they join on War Prep Day.
- Failing to attack leads to a kick.
- Failing to attack twice/not attacking properly means you aren't eligible for promotion.
16. No negative attitudes.
Being negative doesn't help anyone, if war isn't looking so well or someones attack didn't go as planned then think of ways improve it and talk about it with everyone in chat.
17. No elitist attitude.
This means that just because your troops, your defences or your attacks may be better that you aren't better than anybody else.
Don't treat people like an idiot if they aren't as strong or skilled, help them out instead and teach them things you've learnt on your journey.
18. Elders may kick in emergency situations.
- Clan is set to open and people not meeting our requirements join.
- Clan is set to open and someone keeps joining and leaving - kicking will ban them from it.
- Someone that joins in swearing/very offensive towards a clan member and won't stop.
- If someone requests to join the clan and they do not meet our TH7 & 100+ War Stars requirements, have a bad donation history or have rushed troops/defences they may be declined.
19. Upgrade your Townhall last.
We do not allow rushed bases to join or members to rush their bases. Few exceptions are;
- Upgrading Townhall 7 to 8 if absolutely everything is maxed except Dark Troop Research so you can focus on upgrading the king more.
- Upgrading Townhall 8 to 9 if absolutely everything is maxed except Minion, Valkyrie and Golem research to begin Queen, Witch and maxed Hog/Loon research.
- Upgrading Townhall 9 to 10 if absolutely everything is maxed except all lv10 Walls or Heroes above lv15 to begin max troop research.
20. Salute the clan banner every breakfast.
New members must read this and our war requirements, then comment on this post that they understand our rules so we know that you know what we expect as a clan.
Most importantly;
All of our rules are here to make sure everyone is treated fairly and the same with all our war rules being there to make sure everyone does the team thing so that the clan mates that choose to join in on wars aren't let down.
Remember to lighten up, we're all here for a good time and as long as you follow our rules to make sure everyone is treated fairly then we'll have a good time - We don't like to kick people and would rather have a good chat and a laugh but if people don't want to put in the same effort in war as other clan mates or can't be respectful to others then you won't fit in and will be moved along.
If you mess up a great loot base or a war attack, don't be angry or embarrassed, jump into chat and talk to us about what you think went wrong and have a good chat which may help improve your strategy more and will give good insight for the next attacker in war.